Thrive Series

Is the devil really real? Matthew 4:8-11 Ways the devil uses TEMPTATION: He shows you the bait and hides the hook. He gets you to rationalize sin as virtue. He…
I Peter 5:5-7 HUMILITY as it relates to leadership. HUMILITY as it relates to one another. HUMILTY as it relates to God.   If you want a church that functions…
Dangers for Pastors: Working from obligation. Pursuit of money. Laziness Abuse of leadership   Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but…
"elder”  =  One who is spiritually older/mature “shepherd/pastor”  =  to feed “bishop/overseer”  =  leading, directing, guiding     A Shepherd’s Job Description: Provision - Feeding- gift of teaching Protection -…
What Not to Do What To Do When Suffering 1. Don't be Surprised 1. Rejoice for Future Glory & Present Blessings 2. Don't deserve your suffering 2. Remember the future.…
“Above all, love each other deeply.”  V8                 Show hospitality to each other joyfully.  V9 Use your gifts to serve others selflessly.  V10     How are you doing…
What are some of the ways you've seen God provide for and take care of you since you first put your faith in Jesus? Joshua 3:7-17, 4:1-9, 4:15-24   Our…
"We Exist to lead people to Jesus and fully follow Him together"   Fully - Obeying everything they know that God has told them to do. Immerse Fuse Radiate Together -…
GREAT COMMISSION QUIZ   1.        F 2.        F 3.        F 4.        F 5.        F 6.        F 7.        F 8.        F 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven…
What are the reasons why I chose to follow Jesus?   How do we know Jesus really is the way, the truth, and the life? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________   18 Then…
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