Belong Sermon Series

Find out what it really means to be part of a church.


Sermon Downloads Youversion Event Kid's Notes Program W.O.R.K. W.ORK as if Jesus were my immediate supervisor, because He is! O.BSERVE the ways my work helps people, because it does! R.EMEMBER…
Sermon Downloads Youversion Event Bulletin Kid's Program A PEOPLE WORTH IMITATING I Thessalonians Question of the day: “Who was one of your heroes as a kid?” What made the Thessalonian…
Sermon Downloads Youversion Download Bulletin The Parable of the 10 Minas How will God Ultimately bring Justice? The faithful (those full of faith) will be rewarded. The wicked (those who…
Sermon Downloads Youversion Download Bulletin Kid's Notes Question of the day: “The last item I can remember losing is ___________.” WHAT do you notice as you consider the parables of…
The P.R.A.Y.E.R.S. Prayer Praise God ...hallowed be Your name... Realign your will with God's ... Your kingdom ... Your Will ... Ask for Others' and Own needs ... give us…


Next Steps: Make daily time to recharge Prioritize periodic times of solitude Moment by moment learn to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit   Kid's Program
Ecclesiastes 7:10 says, Do not say, "why is it that the former days were better than these?" For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.   Comparing…
Sermon Downloads Kids Program Bulletin Slavery or Freedom Question of the day: How has God made your life exciting? Gal. 5:1 - Christ wants to set you free to live…
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