Belong Sermon Series

Find out what it really means to be part of a church.


Two Accusations (against Moses): Moses married a Cushite Moses has too much authority Two Reasons (why we think Miriam is the instigator): Miriam’s name comes first Miriam is the one…
Luke 24 & John 20 What was it like for Jesus’ followers after He died and before He rose again? THE STAGES IN OUR JOURNEY OF FAITH: STAGE 1: Getting…
THE TRUTH ABOUT COMPLAINING NUMBERS 11:1-35 Complaining is Natural. Numbers 11:1-3 Complaining is usually inaccurate. Numbers 11:4-6 Complaining is Contagious. Numbers 11:10 Complaining is an Insult to God. Numbers 11:10,18-20…
Week #2:   Have I replaced God in any way? Even good things can become bad things when they become ruling things. Modern-Day Idols:                         FOOD__                                 ACCEPTANCE __                  SEX __                                    …
Background: Exodus 24:15-18 Exodus 32:1-35 Is it ok with me that God is described as "jealous"? Jealousy is  the angry side of love.   My NEXT STEP with God Ask…
Exodus 17:1-7 “Is the LORD among us or not?” Why do I sometimes feel far from God? God isn’t giving me what I want. I’m ignoring Him or rebelling against…
Which word most accurately describes the pace of my life?           □ hectic        □ slow         □ just about right “I typically set aside a 24 hour day for rest every…
Yahweh Rapha = "The LORD is our healer" A test: "Will you trust me?" An Object Lesson: "Just as I healed the water, so I will heal you."   My…
What sets off your PANIC button?  Exodus 13:17-14:31    What has God told us about His plan for us that could turn our PANIC into PRAISE? Ephesians 1:3-4 Philippians 1:6…
Must we be Trained only by our own Failures, or can we learn from the failures of others?
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