Belong Sermon Series

Find out what it really means to be part of a church.


spit: emeo (em-eh'-o); to spit, vomit, utter rejection, supremely repulsed. LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS ENERGIZED CHRISTIANS Crave acceptance from People more than acceptance from God. Find rest in the acceptance they already…
Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God to restrain them. 2 In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really…

Set your HOPE on Heaven, Strive for Holiness while Here What is "holines"? What is the ONE THING that makes "holiness" possible for me? 2 Good Reasons to strive for…

We can’t escape suffering; but we can understand it better. 5 Truths about suffering: 1. Christians are not exempt from suffering. 2. The blessing of your salvation far outweighs the…
“Salvation is the spiritual state of a convicted sinner who is eternally resting by faith in the forgiveness that God freely offers in Christ.” PAST SALVATION: We’ve been saved from…

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