Finding Balance

Youversion Link We live in a rapidly changing world The faster things change the more likely you are to become off balance in response to those changes. Two crucial lenses…
Youversion Link The most important message of the Bible: How can my relationship with God be made right?   What is the difference between “good advice” and “good news”? Good…
Legalism or License Youversion Link   Romans 1:1-2:24 Legalism says "You Better" License says "Whatever" Romans 3:19-28   “The gospel transforms our hearts and our thinking and changes our approaches…
Youversion Event What comes to your mind when you think about the things that are most important to God?   The gospel is the environment out of which all God-pleasing…
Three awe-inspiring ways the gospel can change you: The gospel can bring you near to God. Ephesians 2:11-13 The gospel can forge peace in your relationships. Ephesians 2:14-22 The gospel…
Youversion Link   What’s WRONG with our culture?   What’s GOOD about our culture?   “Contextualizing” = Connecting your message with your people. Why should I take the time to…
Youversion link What is a CITY? A city is a social form in which people physically live close together to one another.”  Center Church, 135. Cities are like magnets. Cities…
“Resist the temptation to disappear into the safety of the Christian subculture”   Jesus doesn’t want us to feel stuck in the world; He wants us to feel sent into…