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Youversion Event

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Other Sermons:

Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program   4 Aspects of Jesus’ Second Coming: It will be Quick.  (Matt 24:26-27) It will be preceded by Unmistakable Signs. (Matt 24:29-30) It will…
Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program   Matthew 24:15-25 “the abomination that causes desolation”      What will it be like?   Daniel 9:25-27 “7 sevens”  “62 sevens”  “the final…
Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program   7 signs that Jesus’ return is near: False Messiahs (Matt 24:4) Lots of War & Bloodshed (Matt 24:6-7a) Devastating Natural Disasters (Matt 24:7B)…
Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program    Is Jesus’ return quickly approaching? 3 trends that seem to come in waves: Supernatural Activity Human Suffering Spiritual Renewal   The goal of…
Youversion Event Message Notes & Worship Lyrics Kid's Program   With Jesus as my Cornerstone, I will… Love as He Loves. Hebrews 13:1-6 Cooperate with His Leaders.  Hebrews 13:7-8,17 Live…
Youversion Event Message Notes & Worship Lyrics Kid's Program   How seriously am I taking God and His Word?   Personal Instructions from God: Make every effort to live in…
Youversion Event Message Notes & Worship Lyrics Kid’s Program   Hebrews 12:1-13 Run with Perseverance the race God has laid out for you.    Heb 12:1-4 Remember who’s cheering you…
Youversion Event Message Notes & Worship Lyrics Kid's Program Personal Assessment   Everybody gets cut by God’s Pruning Shears. As badly as I want us to be connected, it’s even…
Youversion Event Message Notes & Worship Lyrics Kids Notes
Youversion Event Message Powerpoint Message Notes   What is the illustration for Israel? What did God want for Israel? What does God want for you and me? We need more…
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