Church as God intended

Built on the resurrection, we are witnesses Youversion Link   Why do people go to church?  (Why do YOU?)   Jesus’ commitment:   “I will build my church , and the…
Youversion Link Two healthy things we can do when we're waiting for God to act: Pray Focus on what you CAN do   My Next Step with God is to...…
Youversion link Questions:                                         What is the Holy Spirit’s JOB? Do you think the Holy Spirit is as active at Cornerstone as He could be? When the Holy Spirit came in…
Youversion Link  5 Elements of good Christ-centered teaching: It starts where they are. Acts 2:14-16 It’s rooted in biblical history. Acts 2:16-21 It directs people’s attention to Jesus' provision. Acts…
Youversion Link   I am currently devoted to _________________. The early church was devoted to: The Apostles teaching The Fellowship The breaking of bread Prayer Church as God intended: A…
Youversion Link "What makes a day 'Good'?" Three different reasons people suffer: People suffer for BEING STUPID People suffer for PERSONAL GROWTH People suffer for THE NAME OF JESUS  …
Youversion Link   Three indicators that caring for widows is NOT inferior to the apostles' ministries of prayer and the ministry of the word: They addressed the need IMMEDIATELY They…
Youversion Link Get to know the 3 main players in the story The Ethiopian eunuch He's Important He's Broken He's Ready for Jesus Philip, the apostle He's Eager He's Bold…
Youversion Link How do we see God’s fingerprints in the early church? Acts 9:1-9 Saul of Tarsus, enemy of God’s Church, meets the Almighty Acts 9:10-17 Ananias asked to do…