The Real Source of Lasting “Happy”

The Real Source of Lasting “Happy”

Passage: Philippians 3:1-16

“Rejoice in the Lord.” Philippians 3:1
What’s your “why?”

When Jesus becomes your treasure, He also becomes your purpose.

“Watch out for those dogs” (Phil 3:2-4)
“the dogs” = religious leaders

Paul’s incredible resumé (Phil 3:4-6)

A new purpose/treasure (Phil 3:7-10)

The essence of unquenchable JOY (Phil 3:10-11)
“I want to know Christ”
“and the power of His resurrection”
“and the fellowship of sharing in His suffering”
“becoming like Him in His death”
“and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead”

We’re not perfect, so we press on. (Phil 3:12-16)