Thy Kingdom or My Kingdom

Thy Kingdom or My Kingdom

Passage: Judges 15-16 & Ruth
Service Type:

Sermon Downloads

Youversion Event


Next Steps:
  • Honestly consider which type of person you are – the type that says to God, “Thy will be done,” or the type that says to God, “My will be done”?
  • How comfortable/uncomfortable are you with God’s version of inclusion? Do you believe the gospel of forgiveness is essential? Is your thinking more influenced by the world or by God’s Word?
  • If you’re dealing with pain, let the psalms teach you the language of lament (Psalm 3, 13, 32, 42, 61, 64, 73, 88, 130). To take it another step further, get a copy of, “Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy,” which is a great tool to help you process your pain and keep your faith real.