Predictions & Prophecies

Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program    Is Jesus’ return quickly approaching? 3 trends that seem to come in waves: Supernatural Activity Human Suffering Spiritual Renewal   The goal of…
Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program   7 signs that Jesus’ return is near: False Messiahs (Matt 24:4) Lots of War & Bloodshed (Matt 24:6-7a) Devastating Natural Disasters (Matt 24:7B)…
Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program   Matthew 24:15-25 “the abomination that causes desolation”      What will it be like?   Daniel 9:25-27 “7 sevens”  “62 sevens”  “the final…
Youversion Event Message Notes Kid's Program   4 Aspects of Jesus’ Second Coming: It will be Quick.  (Matt 24:26-27) It will be preceded by Unmistakable Signs. (Matt 24:29-30) It will…
Message Notes Kid's Notes   Jesus’ return will come as _________________________________.   (Matt 24:36-41) God intends for His people to live every day, ______________________________ for Jesus’ return.   (Matt 24:42-44)…
Youversion Link Message Notes Kid's Notes   Bottom line:  The wise servant will be greatly rewarded for his faithful obedience; while the wicked servant will be severely judged for his…
Youversion Link Message Notes Kid's Notes   “It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.” A Description of the darkness in the last days. 2 Tim 3:1-9 A Prescription that…
Youversion Link Message Notes Kid’s Notes What did God see in our future in 2021? 2 Timothy 3:1-5 What did God give us to guide us into our future? 2…
Sermon Downloads Youversion Link Message Notes Kid’s Notes   Who is your favorite character in the Christmas story? As we look forward to the promise of Jesus’ return, we face…