These three sermon series will bring you up to speed on what we believe.

Biblical truth is our final authority
We believe that God has spoken to us through the Scriptures. The Bible is without flaw and it is our ultimate authority.
Is there any teaching of Scripture that you are knowingly violating?
Authentic community is required for sustained spiritual growth
John 13:34-35
Acts 2:42-47
Hebrews 10:24-25
We believe that spiritual growth happens most naturally through the power of Christian community. Relationships of mutual, voluntary submission between believers forge accountability, foster care, and fulfill our sense of belonging.
Who has your complete trust, and can speak truths that you may not want to hear?
People matter to God and therefore matter to us
Luke 15
Ezekiel 18:32
2 Corinthians 5:14-20
We believe that people are the object of God’s affections, and that He has asked His church to carry His message of love into the unbelieving world.
Which of God’s lost children are you actively sharing His message with?
Serving others with a humble heart is our expression of gratitude to God.
Philippians 2:5-11
Ephesians 4:11-13
2 Corinthians 5:14-20
We believe that each believer is responsible for exercising his or her gifts in coordinated, strategic unity with other members of the body.
Can you identify your spiritual gifts and show how God’s unique calling is expressed in your ministry?
Intimacy with God is the power source for personal transformation
We believe that God desires an intimate relationship with every believer through the person of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual disciplines help us achieve intimacy with Him, evidenced by the fruitfulness of our lives.
Do you listen for God’s voice and obey when He speaks?
Church ministry should be culturally relevant to help reduce barriers to spiritual growth in believers and seekers
Colossians 4:5
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
We believe our role is to create environments that are conducive to the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of people. While our style may change with time, the truth is constant and timeless.
Do you listen for God’s voice and obey when He speaks?
The next generation is of utmost importance
We celebrate God’s gift of the family, and we are dedicated to a ministry of prevention rather than intervention to prepare our children for the future.
Are you purposefully investing in your children to draw them into a personal relationship with Christ?
View our complete statement of faith
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