A Pattern NOT to follow

A Pattern NOT to follow

Passage: Genesis 3
Service Type:
Cornerstone Community Church
Cornerstone Community Church
A Pattern NOT to follow

A Pattern we tend to follow ….

  1.  We Doubt God’s goodness
  2. We Trust our own understanding
  3. We choose to disobey God
  4. We enter the world of Guilt & Shame
  5. We intentionally Hide from God
  6. God Pursues us

Next Steps

  • Think about the past: Reflect on a temptation or sin pattern God pursued and rescued you out of, and give Him praise and thanks for His mercy towards you
  • Think about the present: Examine a specific sin you’re currently falling into temptation to rebel against God. Walk through the 6 steps we saw in Genesis 3. What are you going to do about that as God pursues you in it?