Did You Fly Through This Year on IFR or VFR?
Bible Text: John 3:16 | Preacher: Rick Herrlin | Series: CCC Sermons |
What does IFR stand for at Cornerstone? Immerse, Fuse, Radiate
Why do we sometimes get off course? We get Deceived II Thessalonians 2:9-10
What has God given to keep us on course? Divine Power II Peter 1:3-4
How is living by God’s Word like flying on instruments? We’re not leaning on ourselves Proverbs 3:5-6
Is Sunday morning really enough immersing in the Word? No, we need to be continually immersed.
What promise did God give about Scriptures you’ve read? The advocate will teach & remind you. John 14:26
Why should I trust God’s direction over my own? He sees what I can’t
How does FUSING with God’s people help guide my life? It helps keep us on track Hebrews 10:24-25
Why is it important for us to RADIATE the Word to others? To bring as many to heaven as possible Mark 16:15
What is our strategy for Radiating at Cornerstone? Pray, Invest, Invite
What Goals does God want you to set for Spiritual Growth in 2019?
My NEXT STEP with God, THIS WEEK is to…
…start reading through the whole Bible this year.
…join a Home Group to Fuse better with God’s people.
…make a List of 4-5 people I know who need Christ.
Pray for them every day
Invest in developing a relationship with them.
…try inviting my friends to my home, church or homegroup.