
Engage With Your Culture

Passage: John 17:13-19
Service Type:

Bible Text: John 17:13-19 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Finding Balance | “Resist the temptation to disappear into the safety of the Christian subculture”


Jesus doesn’t want us to feel stuck in the world; He wants us to feel sent into the world.
What does Jesus pray on behalf of His disciples?

Protection from the evil one
Purification for their mission


“As You sent Me into the world, I have sent them into the world.”  John 17:18


Philippians 2:1-5
What was Jesus’ approach to the world He entered?

Jesus came in weakness
Jesus moved in close
Jesus became one of us

How did Jesus engage with the culture?

Jesus genuinely loved
Jesus spoke the truth
Jesus stood against Evil & Injustice
Jesus communicated grace


Is God calling me to focus on one of these aspects that I see in Jesus?
My Next Step with God is to…

choose to imitate one of the aspects I see in Jesus in the way I approach and engage with the culture around me

Come in weakness
Move in close
Become one of them
Genuinely love
Speak the truth
Stand against evil & injustice
Communicate grace

evaluate my relationship with the christian subculture.  Is it balanced?


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