Everything Points to the Gospel
Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Finding Balance | Youversion Event
What comes to your mind when you think about the things that are most important to God?
The gospel is the environment out of which all God-pleasing values and priorities grow. The entire Bible is the story of the gospel.
The Great Story comes in 4 Acts:
Act 1: Creation Genesis 1-2
Act 2: Fall Genesis 3 – Malachi
You can’t fix the problem of the human condition by fixing the environment.
Act 3: Redemption Matthew – Jude
Act 4: Restoration Revelation
My NEXT STEP with God is to
I want my relationship with God to move from an “add-on” to become the main thing.
I need help moving from “Act 2, Fall” to “Act 3, Redemption”.
Read “Gospel Primer” slowly to marinate in the multifaceted good news called the gospel.
Commit to read through the Bible in 2020, watching for how the 4 Acts of the Story play out.
Watch for other places I see The Story’s echo (in movies, in life).