What will the second coming of Jesus be like?

What will the second coming of Jesus be like?

Passage: Matthew 24:26-35
Service Type:

Bible Text: Matthew 24:26-35 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Predictions & Prophecies |

Youversion Event

Message Notes

Kid’s Program

4 Aspects of Jesus’ Second Coming:
It will be Quick.  (Matt 24:26-27)

It will be preceded by Unmistakable Signs. (Matt 24:29-30)

It will be Global.  (Matt 24:26-27, 30-31)

It is Absolutely Certain.  (Matt 24:34-35)


If the rapture happens before the Tribulation, will my kids be ok?

(Mark 10:13-16; 2 Samuel 12:15-23; Revelation 3:10; 6:15-17; 9:3-4; 16:2)


The most important question:

Am I READY for Jesus’ Second Coming?


My “next step” with God this week is to…