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Passage: Acts 26
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Bible Text: Acts 26 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Journey Through the New Testament |
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Acts 26: Paul shares his story
3 important OBSERVATIONS about Paul’s defense:

The Transformation of Paul’s life
The Conviction of Paul’s belief
The Courage behind Paul’s message

3 important HANDLES in sharing your story:

What was I like before Jesus?
How did I come to believe in Jesus?
What changed after I came to believe?

My NEXT STEP with God, THIS WEEK is to…

…think through the 3 handles of my story (before I met Jesus, how I came to believe, and how I changed afterward) – and write it down.
…focus on the 2nd handle – place my faith in Jesus for forgiveness AND give Him permission to write my story from this point on.
…ask God for an opportunity to share my story with someone.

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