Bible Text: John 17:20-23 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Journey Through the New Testament | Sermon Downloads
Youversion Event
“Glory” indicates something SPECIAL. John 2:11
Two concepts glory indicates: John 7:37-39
John 17:22-23a
Jesus gives us GLORY … SO THAT we can experience TRUE UNITY … SO THAT the world will be convinced that Jesus is no charlatan. He really is the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD
Home Important is the Unity of God’s People?
Jesus knows the world will never receive the message of the gospel
until they see it’s power. And the power of the gospel is seen in
the unity of God’s people
2 essential perspectives for preserving unity among Jesus’ followers:
Accept people as they are.
Be patient with people in their weaknesses.
(Romans 15:1&7)
Next Steps
So here are three personal questions to reflect on and help us move
forward from here:
Is there someone in my life who I’m not “accepting” as Christ
accepted me – or who I need to show more patience with?
Do I make the effort to restore unity when it’s broken or am I
quick to give up an “play Christian” somewhere else?
What is my current contribution to the unity of God’s Church?