Why Do You Believe What You Believe?
Bible Text: Isaiah 53:2-11 | Preacher: Rick Herrlin | Series: CCC Sermons |
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WHY Do You Believe What You Believe?
How would you answer that Question?
Genesis 3:11-15 What did God promise Adam & Eve?
Isaiah 7:13,14 What “sign” shows the real Messiah?
Matthew 1:20-24 How did Jesus fulfill this sign?
Micah 5:2 Where would God’s Messiah be born?
Daniel 9:24-26 When would the Messiah come?
What happened after Messiah’s sacrifice?
Isaiah 53 What was God’s plan for the Messiah?
Vs. 2
Vs. 3
Vs. 4
Vs. 5
Vs. 6
Vs. 9
Vs. 11
Romans 6:23 What is God’s gift through Jesus?
John 3:16 How do we receive that GIFT?
My NEXT STEP with God this week:
Have you committed to trusting Christ to rescue you from the mess you’re in? If not, READ Romans 3:23 and 6:23 Then READ Ephesians 2:8,9 and John 3:16-18 Ask Jesus to forgive you and be your Guide through life.
Share what you learned today with a friend who might need God’s forgiveness.
Carefully consider the Rejection, Grief, and Pain that Jesus endured as described in Isa. 53. Worship and Thank Him as you meditate on this Chapter.
Thank your parents for the grief they put up with raising you!
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