What do you WANT from Jesus?
Bible Text: john 6:1-71 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Journey Through the New Testament |
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What does Jesus want from me? What do I want from Jesus? Have I come to the place in my relationship with Jesus where I don’t need His miracles as much anymore because I have Jesus Himself?
My NEXT STEP with God this week is to…
…honestly, ask myself, “What do I really want from Jesus?”
…repent of the superficial ways I tend to “use” Jesus.
…begin a fresh pursuit of knowing Jesus.
Set up a one-on-one with someone I know who has the kind of relationship with Jesus I want.
Begin reading one of the three book recommendations (or another option) as a way to get some help in my pursuit of God. (“Experiencing God”, “Knowing God”, “Desiring God”)