A Journey Toward Hope & Faith
Bible Text: John 15:1-5 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: CCC Sermons |
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Personal Assessment
Everybody gets cut by God’s Pruning Shears.
As badly as I want us to be connected, it’s even more important that we remain connected with Jesus.
The vine & branches analogy is a lot like the 3 words we use to describe healthy Christians: Immerse, Fuse, Radiate
With whom do I have the kind of relationship described in Romans 12:5?
Who do I WANT that kind of relationship with?
Honest Reflection: Am I spiritually healthy right now?
Next Steps:
Ask God which of the 3 areas (Immerse, Fuse, Radiate) He wants me to be more intentional about right now?
What might He want me to do to strengthen that aspect of my spiritual health?