Caring Too Much About the Wrong Things
Bible Text: Revelation 2:1-4 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Difference Maker | Youversion Link
Obstacles that prevent me from becoming a difference maker for God: Fear, shame, and Indifference
“I care too much about ______________ which leaves less for me to give to the most important things”
Joshua 24:14-15
Do you want to be a difference maker for God?
Identify the obstacles.
Prioritize your relationship with God.
Move closer to others who need Him too.
My Next Step with God is to…
confess the indifference in my heart toward God’s purpose for me.
move toward someone I know who is far from God.
work on memorizing Matthew 5:14-16 & 2 Chronicles 16:9
read one of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s biographies: “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Phrophet, Spy” by Eric Metaxas or “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the midst of wickedness” by Janet & Geoff Benge.
watch the new movie “Unplanned”