God is Authority over ALL

God is Authority over ALL

Passage: Mark 4:35-41
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Bible Text: Mark 4:35-41 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Holy |
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Numbers 16

God is the Ultimate Authority. Everyone will bow down.
Creation itself submits to the authority of God.

Mark 4:35-41

Jesus can see beyond the storm.
Jesus has authority over the storm.

John 6:38-40

If we belong to God through faith in Jesus, God’s commitment to us is that we will not be lost.

Daniel 3:13-18

I can take comfort in the truth that God has authority over all.
When I have surrendered to God’s authority and aligned myself with Him, then I can find great comfort in God’s holy authority

My NEXT STEP with God this week:

Am I facing a storm right now? Where is Jesus in it?
Am I finding comfort in the assurance that Jesus is greater than my storm? Or am I lost in fear, seeing the storm as greater than Jesus?
Am I ok with God being authority over all things, including my own life?
Go back to one or more of the stories mentioned today to continue pondering my own heart’s response to God’s holy authority. (Numbers 16, Mark 4:35-41; Daniel 3; John 6:25-59)