God wants me to take PRAYER seriously
Bible Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-15 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: What do You want from me? |
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God wants me to take PRAYER seriously
Don’t forget to Pray. I Timothy 2:1-7
Prayer assumes as submissive posture with God.
How are we supposed to pray for our leaders?
That their leadership would result in a peaceful life for those under their rule. V2
That they would personally embrace the gospel and receiveGod’s salvation. V4
That they would recognize their place under God’ssovereign rule. V5-6
Keep your focus on God as a gathered church. I Timothy 2:8-10
MEN: (v8)
LADIES: (v9-10)
Men and women, embrace the role God has chosen for you. I Timothy 2:11-15
2 biblical arguments for the complementarian view:
Argument from the creation order. V12-13
Argument from God’s design. (Male & female are beautifully different from one another.)
My NEXT STEP with God this week:
accept and embrace the unique role God has given me as a man or woman.
pursue a better understanding of my God-given role. “
5 Aspects of Man/Woman” Bible study (talk to Anne Herrlin)
“Love & Respect” book by Emmerson Eggerichs.
move toward a more prayerfully submissive approach to God in all my life circumstances.