God wants me to take the GOSPEL seriously
Bible Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-20 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: What do You want from me? |
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God wants me to take the GOSPEL seriously
The Apostle Paul took the Gospel seriously!
I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor…” v13
“I acted in Ignorance and unbelief. V13
God’s mercy reached Paul in his ignorance.
God’s mercy reached Paul in his unbelief.
This is the Gospel: “Christ Jesus came into the world of whom I am the worst.” V15
The more seriously you take something, the more fully you’re able to celebrate it.
What does it practically look like to take the Gospel seriously?
I don’t just believe it to be true, I build my life on it.
When I’m taking the Gospel seriously, it becomes my greatest joy.
When I’m taking the Gospel seriously, it becomes a frequent topic of conversation.
When I’m taking the Gospel seriously, I pursue God harder than anything else.
Our greatest need is to be made right with God.
My NEXT STEP with God this week:
receive the Gospel personally.
feed my sense of awe and celebration of the gospel by listening to episodes of “The Unfolding” podcast or “I found Shalom”.
ask God for a chance to talk about the Gospel with someone who hasn’t yet experienced its life-changing power.