Live Ready
Bible Text: I Thessalonians 4-5 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Journey Through the New Testament | Sermon Downloads
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Kid’s Notes
W.ORK as if Jesus were my immediate supervisor, because He is!
O.BSERVE the ways my work helps people, because it does!
R.EMEMBER that everyone I work with will spend eternity somewhere.
K.EEP in mind, my actions and my words can either help or hinder God’s Kingdom work.
How can we be ready for it?
– SALVATION FIRST. Make sure your faith is in JESUS!
– Don’t get caught “asleep” (spiritually unprepared)
– Be “alert” (watchful, spiritually focused on God’s Kingdom work)
– Be “self-controlled” (sober, calm)
– Put on FAITH and LOVE as a breastplate
– Put on the HOPE OF SALVATION as a helmet
My “NEXT STEP” with God this week is to…
TO WHAT DEGREE is Jesus promised second coming affecting my perspective on this life?
IN WHAT SPECIFIC WAYS is Jesus second coming affecting my choices?
If Jesus came back today, WOULD HE BE PLEASED with the way I’m living?