The unexpected relationship between suffering and overcoming sin.
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:1-7 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: 1 Peter: Hopeful Suffering
By embracing Jesus’ Attitude about suffering, I can win the battle against sin.
What is Jesus’ Attitude? Temporary Pain for Eternal Gain (1 Peter 3:17-18, Luke 22:42, Hebrews 12:2)
Developing this attitude.
Sin (as defined by Websters 1822): The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command.
When believers endure suffering for the sake of Christ they show that their purpose in life is not to live for their own pleasures but according to the will of God for His glory.
When we embrace Jesus’ attitude about suffering, we can win the battle against sin. Which frees us to live for the glory of God.
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