
Uses Structure Wisely

Passage: Acts 6:1-7
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 6:1-7 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Church as God intended | Youversion Link


Three indicators that caring for widows is NOT inferior to the apostles’ ministries of prayer and the ministry of the word:

They addressed the need IMMEDIATELY
They required SPIRITUAL MATURITY in those who would meet the need

Spiritual Maturity
Good reputation

The word used to describe “serving tables” (diakonia) is THE SAME WORD USED to describe “the ministry of the word”

How can we best handle problems & needs as they come up in the church today?


My Next Step with God is to…

fill out my own “pie chart” reflecting where I’m spending my time. Is there room for mentoring relationships & other ministry?
consider which approach to ministry I actually prefer:

hired ministers and supporting congregations
equal oppurtunity for all to serve in meaningful ways

ask God who at Cornerstone He might want me to pursue a more intentional friendship with (think mentoring and being mentored)
participate in the home group book study, “Letters to the Church” by Francis Chan as a companion study to the sermon series (chapter 7)