What do you do when you’re not sure what to do?
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Questions for God when I’m not sure what to do:
How do You want me to THINK about this?
What have You ALREADY SAID about it?
In my approach to God, AM I THE ONLY ONE TALKING, or have I paused long enough for God to direct me?
If it’s an interpersonal issue, am I exercising PATIENCE & GRACE toward others like God has shown toward me?
God, what are You doing IN ME AND OTHERS through this?
WHO ELSE should I talk to about this?
In light of all of the above, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?
Next Steps:
What’s your “so”? Are you facing a complicated decision or situation? Which of the eight questions do you need to ask God?
Do you naturally “inquire of God” like David?
If so, how have you seen God direct you in the past?
If not, what do you think is keeping you from including God in your decision-making process?