What does it mean to be READY for Jesus’ return? part 2
Bible Text: Matthew 24:45-51` | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Predictions & Prophecies |
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Message Notes
Kid’s Notes
Bottom line: The wise servant will be greatly rewarded for his faithful obedience; while the wicked servant will be severely judged for his wickedness.
What do I hope to be DOING when Jesus returns?
What does it mean for me to be FAITHFUL to my Master?
“To be a faithful servant of God means I put my BEST ENERGY into my Master’s work.”
Focus on: Serving Others
Reward: Eternal Promotion
What does it mean for me to be a WISE servant?
“A WISE servant lives in such a way that they have no cause for shame if their master comes unannounced.”
No room for Compromise
What is the wicked servant like in Jesus’ example?
Mindset shifts from Servant to Master
Acts Harshly toward those under him
Becomes Recless
Experiences Severe Judgement
Next Steps:
What specific responsibilities has God given me right now?
Am I seeing myself as a “master” or “manager” in these areas?
PNate’s Challenge:
Commit to Daily Personal Time in God’s Word.
Commit to Weekly Voice Contact with someone from your church family.
Commit to Weekly Contact with someone you know who is not well connected with God.