
What’s Missing in our Peace Protests

Passage: Galatians 5:22-26
Service Type:

Bible Text: Galatians 5:22-26 | Preacher: Rick Herrlin | Series: CCC Sermons | I John 4:16 What is the true source of LOVE?

What is the basic nature of GOD?

Gen 1:1-2

John 1:1-3

Luke 3:22

Why is the trinity important to understanding UNITY?

I Cor. 12:13 How does the Holy Spirit help us get along?

Rom. 8:9 How does the Holy Spirit relate to Believers?

John 16:7-8

What does He do for Believers?
What does He do for non-Believers?


John 16:13 How does He help when we’re confused?

II Tim. 1:7 How can He help with our fear of others?

Rom. 8:26,27   What if I pray against what you prayed?

Ephesians 5:18 Who needs to be in charge of life?

Galatians 5:22-26 What does the Holy Spirit give all of us who trust Him enough to yield to His Control?



Trust God’s Spirit to cleanse me and put me permanently into the Family of God.
Let the Love of God shine through me to everyone I meet.
Lean on God’s Spirit for comfort and guidance in the hard times.
Ask God’s Spirit to guide my study of His Word, the Bible.
Let my prayers be guided by God’s will, not my desires