Making Room for the most important thing.

Making Room for the most important thing.

Passage: Luke 10:38-42

“Martha’s problem is not in her service; it’s in her distraction.

Potential threats to our successful hospitality:
1. The need to have everything just right.
“Martha was distracted by all the preparations…” Lk 10:40

Sometimes, we confuse serving people with impressing them.

2. A spirit of comparison.
“My sister has left me to do the work by myself…” Lk 10:40

JESUS: “Only one thing is needed” Luke 10:42

Two ways we can sit at Jesus’ feet today:
1. Spend time in His Word listening to what He says.
2. Practice hospitality with a stranger.

“A community which embodies hospitality to strangers is a sign of contradiction, a place where joy & pain, crises & peace are closely interwoven.” - Making Room, Christine Pohl, p 10.