We’re Priests Too!

We’re Priests Too!

Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-12, Hebrews 5:1-2
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Encouraged by the reality that Jesus is our great High Priest! Challenged with the responsibility that we're priests too.

  1. What do we do as God's holy priesthood
    • Give verbal praise to God - 1 Peter 2:5,9
    • Live a holy life for God - 1 Peter 2:11-12
      • Abstain from sinful desires
      • Live a good life among those who are far from God
  2. In what spirit ought we to function as God's "priests"? Hebrews 5:1-2

Next Steps

  • Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you.