Pi Squared

Some people feel awkward or uncomfortable sharing their faith with friends and family. This series will give you a clear strategy to reach out to loved ones that makes a lot of sense. Pray, Invest, Invite. We call it, “Pi2”.

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Heaven & Hell

As mortal human beings, we are irresistibly curious about life after death. In addition, most everyone knows that the Bible is not silent on this matter. But what does it really say?

  • Is Heaven beyond imagination?
  • Is there a default destination?
  • Can people in Heaven see me now?
  • Will I remember life before I died?
  • Will I recognize people I know?
  • Are we designed for life in the clouds, or life on earth?
  • Why is Heaven not for religious people?
  • Hell sounds like more fun. How terrible can it really be?

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Belong Sermon Series

Find out what it really means to be part of a church.


Youversion Event Next Steps: Identify one area where I am often tempted to let unwholesome talk come out of my mouth. Commit that to God and ask for His help…
Youversion Event
Youversion Event   How does a person become a “follower” of Jesus? A. ADMIT Admit that you need Him. Admit you’ve done wrong and your sin is against God. “All…
5 Commitments Essential to Healthy Relationships 1. A commitment to HONESTY. 2. Deal with TODAY’S PROBLEMS TODAY. (handling ANGER in a godly way) Anger often arises out of an unsatisfied…
Youversion Event   What help has God given us? God has INVESTED HIMSELF in us. God has made significant COMMITMENTS to us. God has given us A NEW POTENTIAL. 5…
Youversion Event 3 steps toward the “life of God”: 1.Put off the old self. (Turn away from what you know is unhealthy & ungodly.) 2.Be made new in the attitude…

Youversion Event A prayer worth repeating That the Father may STRENGTHEN YOU WITH POWER. That Christ may DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS. That you may grasp HOW WIDE AND LONG AND…
Youversion Event How does our restored relationship with God change our relationships with people? Jesus’ work BRINGS US TOGETHER. Jesus brings peace BETWEEN JEWISH & GENTILE BELIEVERS.(or between religious &…