Adam & Eve’s 6 Bad Decisions in the Garden
Youversion Event
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Adam & Eve’s 6 Bad Decisions in the Garden
From Genesis 3:1-6 (last time): (1) They doubted God’s goodness; (2) they questioned God’s character; (3) they trusted their own finite judgment rather than trusting God’s infinite wisdom; (4) they chose the result over the right and a person over God.
Genesis 3:6-8 (5) Adam & Eve hid from God rather than confessing their wrong.
It makes a lot more sense to confess my sin to God than to try and hide it from Him.
Is there anything you need to confess to God or to someone else?
Genesis 3:9-13 (6) Adam & Eve blamed someone else for their own wrongdoing rather than accepting responsibility.
Regardless of age, my sin is my responsibility, whether someone else tempted me or not. I will stand before God for my sin.
Healthy relationships with others begin with a healthy relationship with God.
Romans 5:6-8 When we were drowning, Jesus saw us.
Ephesians 2:8-9 By Grace we have been rescued!
My NEXT STEP with God this week:
Identify a temptation I fall for and walk it through the 6 bad decisions of Adam & Eve. How am I following the same path they did? What truths can help me take a different path? What help do I have in Jesus?
Spend some more time reading and studying Genesis 2-3. Am I stuck in Genesis 3 living, or have I found full rescue and peace in Jesus?
Spend time in private worship praising God for His loving rescue.