Christmas Praise
Bible Text: Luke 1:26-55 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Holy Roar | How can we better celebrate this holiday we call CHRISTmas?
BARAK To Kneel or to bless
Mary’s example: Luke 1:26-55
There is nothing more worthy of delight than God’s goodness to us
There is no one more worthy of praise than the God who left Heaven to become one of us.
Am I giving to God the PRAISE He fully deserves?
My NEXT STEP with God, THIS WEEK is to…
…set aside 10-15 minutes to make a list of the many ways God has blessed me, and praise Him in response – BARAK!
…choose at least one new way to include Jesus in my celebration of Christmas this year.
…ponder Mary’s example of “BARAK” in Luke 1:26-55.
…dig deeper into “BARAK” praise by considering these passages: Psalm 95:6; Ezekiel 3:23; Ephesians 3:14; Daniel 6:10; Ezra 9:5; Romans 14:11; Acts 20:36; Revelation 7:11
Is anything keeping me from coming to God on my knees?