

Passage: Acts 2:41-47
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I am currently devoted to _________________.

The early church was devoted to:

  1. The Apostles teaching
  2. The Fellowship
  3. The breaking of bread
  4. Prayer

Church as God intended:

  • A people devoted to God & each other
  • Learning more day by day
  • Experiencing the presence & power of God
  • Practicing radical generosity because they are family
  • Gladly doing life together
  • With an open door, ready to welcome the next new family members


I want to be most devoted to _____________________.

My Next Step with God is to...

  • rethink the things I am devoted to (If you're going to increase your devotion in one area, something will probably have to give in another)
  • recommit myself to Cornerstone's strategy for growing healthy Christians: Immerse, Fuse, Radiate (Does one of these three need more focus for me right now?)
  • ask God who at Cornerstone He might want me to pursue a more meaningful friendship with (and if the Holy Spirit nudges me toward someone, to act on it)
  • participate in the home group book study, "Letters to the Church" by Francis Chan as a companion study to the sermon series (chapter 5)