God is Already Giving you What is Best; Don’t Complain About What You Don’t Have
Bible Text: Numbers 11:1-35 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Lest We Forget | THE TRUTH ABOUT COMPLAINING
NUMBERS 11:1-35
Complaining is Natural. Numbers 11:1-3
Complaining is usually inaccurate. Numbers 11:4-6
Complaining is Contagious. Numbers 11:10
Complaining is an Insult to God. Numbers 11:10,18-20
Complaining unchecked leads to Death. Numbers 11:31-34
What tempts ME to complain?
Is there a way to maintain a spirit of JOY & GRATITUDE even when life isn’t going the way I want it to?
Your JOY is not attached to your situation anywhere near as strongly as it’s attached to your perspective.
Philippians 4:4-7 “The Lord is Near.”
I Peter 1:6-7 “trials are given to Refine & Reveal my faith.”
Keep a gratitude journal.
Make time for silence.
Surround yourself with the right people.
Fight the Fight – resist complaining with gratitude & humility
My NEXT STEP with God, THIS WEEK is to…
…choose one of the “Ways to maintain a healthy, God-centered perspective” and put it into practice.
…read the account of Jesus’ crucifixion (Mark 14:12-16:8) in one sitting as a perspective-shaper.
…join the follow-up discussion at one of the three home groups.
…with God’s help, abandon a specific way I complain and replace it with gratitude (use “The Truth about Complaining” from your notes as a helpful reminder).