Youversion Notes Link Israel’s main problem throughout her ten tests was Unbelief. WHAT EXACTLY DOES GOD WANT ME TO BELIEVE? Believe the Gospel. I Corinthians 15:3-4 Romans…
Since God is the one securing my salvation; I don’t have to be afraid of losing it. HOW CAN I BE CONFIDENT THAT I AM INDEED A CHILD OF GOD?…
APPLYING ISRAEL’S LESSON TO OUR DAY Israel’s mission was to claim the Promised Land. Our mission is to lead people to Jesus and fully follow Him together. What impossibilities (giants)…
Two Accusations (against Moses): Moses married a Cushite Moses has too much authority Two Reasons (why we think Miriam is the instigator): Miriam’s name comes first Miriam is the one…
THE TRUTH ABOUT COMPLAINING NUMBERS 11:1-35 Complaining is Natural. Numbers 11:1-3 Complaining is usually inaccurate. Numbers 11:4-6 Complaining is Contagious. Numbers 11:10 Complaining is an Insult to God. Numbers 11:10,18-20…
Week #2: Have I replaced God in any way? Even good things can become bad things when they become ruling things. Modern-Day Idols: FOOD__ ACCEPTANCE __ SEX __ …
Background: Exodus 24:15-18 Exodus 32:1-35 Is it ok with me that God is described as "jealous"? Jealousy is the angry side of love. My NEXT STEP with God Ask…
Exodus 17:1-7 “Is the LORD among us or not?” Why do I sometimes feel far from God? God isn’t giving me what I want. I’m ignoring Him or rebelling against…
Which word most accurately describes the pace of my life? □ hectic □ slow □ just about right “I typically set aside a 24 hour day for rest every…
Yahweh Rapha = "The LORD is our healer" A test: "Will you trust me?" An Object Lesson: "Just as I healed the water, so I will heal you." My…