God is your authoirty; Don’t resist where He’s put you.

God is your authoirty; Don’t resist where He’s put you.

Passage: Numbers 12:13-19
Service Type:

Bible Text: Numbers 12:13-19 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Lest We Forget | Two Accusations (against Moses):

Moses married a Cushite
Moses has too much authority

Two Reasons (why we think Miriam is the instigator):

Miriam’s name comes first
Miriam is the one who gets leprosy

Two Clues (about Miriam’s background):

Moses had an older sister
Moses and Aaron are brothers

Two Defenses (supporting Moses’ character):

“Moses was the most humble man on earth.”
Moses doesn’t defend himself

Two Responses (from God):

Miriam will be disgraced
God will restore Miriam


Two Bible Passages:

Romans 13:1-2 2
I Peter 2:13-19

Two Ways to Pray (for your leaders):

Wisdom to follow God’s leading, not just the latest ideas
Open lines of communication

Two ways to Pray (for the rest of us):

A spirit of humility that says to God, “Thy will be done.”
Wisdom to know and live out God’s purposes for us

ARENAS OF AUTHORITY: church – school – work – home

My NEXT STEP with God, THIS WEEK is to…
…identify 1 or 2 authorities in my life who I struggle with and ask God to make clear how He wants me to respond to them so
that God receives the most honor.
…place my trust in Jesus as my highest authority.
…join the follow-up conversation at one of our 3 home groups.

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