Healthy Gardens & Smart Farmers
Bible Text: Mark 4:1-20 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Journey Through the New Testament |
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Healthy Gardens & Smart Farmers
What happens when Jesus teaches people the truths of God?
Mark 4:1-20
My life is a Garden
Threats to my garden
The hard packed path
Prepping your garden for growth:
Does trouble or hardship easily throw me off spiritually, or does it drive me deeper into God’s presence where I find comfort & hope?
What things discourage me most or cause doubts in me?
Is there anything I love more than God?
I am a Farmer
What’s my farming style?
seed scattering
smart farming
Let’s tend our gardens well and be smart farmers!
My NEXT STEP with God, THIS WEEK is to…
…tend to my own garden (soul care) by …
…become more intentional as a “farmer” (recommit to practicing Pi2, reach out this week to someone I care about who is far from God).