How does God really feel about Sex?
Bible Text: Genesis 1:27-28 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Culture Shock | God is very much Pro-Sex.
4 Reasons God made us sexual creatures:
Physical Pleasure – Proverbs 5:18-19, Song of Solomon 2:3
Procreation – Genesis 1:28
Relational Intimacy – Genesis 2:18-225
A Spiritual Object Lesson – Ephesians 5:31-32
If God is so pro-sex, then why does it seem like He is so Anti-Sex when I read the Bible?
Myths people believe about God & sex:
MYTH: Christians’ sex lives and views of sex are dull, boring, and “out of touch.”
TRUTH: The scriptures command God’s people to be downright erotic in their marital love.
MYTH: As long as people love each other, sex is ok with God.
TRUTH: The Bible prohibits all sexual relationships outside of marriage.
MYTH: Everyone needs to sow their wild oats and experiment sexually before they settle down in a long-term relationship.
TRUTH: Sexual sins have a uniquely devastating impact on people’s lives because it’s a sin against yourself.
MYTH: It’s too late for me; sexual sin is so powerful, nothing can loosen its grip on my life.
TRUTH: Christ died to pay the penalty of your sin and break its power in your life.
What I most needed to hear from what we talked about today was …
My next step with God in response to my answer above is …