Overcoming Barriers

Overcoming Barriers

Passage: Acts 10
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 10 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Journey Through the New Testament | Sermon Downloads
Message Notes

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Kid’s Notes
Acts 10

A message for Peter: “God doesn’t show favoritism, and neither should you!”

A message for Cornelius: “Forgiveness through Jesus is powerful enough to reach anyone.”

“God accepts on Equal terms anyone whose faith is in Jesus.”


Get personal: What kinds of people make me feel uncomfortable?
We can overcome our barriers!

Recognize, before God, you’re no different from them.
Remember, at one time, you too were far from God.
Repeat the gospel to yourself over & over.
Take steps to get closer to someone different from you.

My next step with God this week is to..

…come to Jesus for forgiveness.I need it!
…pray: “Lord, help me overcome my barriers so I can love ______________ enough to share Jesus with them.
…take steps to get closer to someone who’s not like me.Here’s where I want to start: ___________________________________