Why Sing?

Why Sing?

Passage: Psalm 47, 57, 98
Service Type:

Bible Text: Psalm 47, 57, 98 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Holy Roar | Zamar – Worship with Music

Psalm 47 – I sing because He is my king
Psalm 57 – I sing because He is my defense
Psalm 98 – I sing because He is my salvation

My NEXT STEP with God, THIS WEEK is to…

…spend some more time immersing in Psalms 47, 57 & 98, and respond with singing.
…rethink my view of music and singing considering what we talked about today.
…dig deeper into “ZAMAR” by reading these passages: Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Psalm 33:1-4; I Samuel 16:23; Psalm 150:4; Psalm 144:9; Psalm 101:1
…find out more about Jesus and “salvation”.

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