Thrive Series


4 Things to pray for: 1. Providential Moments - God would convince them of their need and His love for them 2. Opportunities 3. Boldness 4. Clarity
1. He who Loves us "Everything we experience whether good or bad is an expression of Christ's love." "My life circumstances are an expression of Christ's love." 2. He freed…
Pastors Rod Bartman & Brian Brunsell Christians work together because.... 1. it's what God has told us to do 2. of who God has created us to be. Those who…

Further Passages: Joshua 9:3-15 Proverbs 28:9 Proverbs 21:13 1 Peter 3:7 Psalm 66:18-19

Jesus: Faitful Witness Firstborn from the Dead Ruler over all Earth

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