Fighting Temptation to Win
Bible Text: Matthew 4:1-11 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Journey Through the New Testament |
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Fighting Temptation to WIN!
Matthew 4:1-11
ROUND 1: Cravings Matt 4:2-4
The temptation is to satisfy our cravings in a way that dishonors God.
ROUND 2: Testing God Matt 4:5-7
The temptation is to test God when what God wants is for us to trust Him.
ROUND 3: Shortcuts Matt 4:-8-10
The temptation is to take shortcuts and skip the hard stuff.
Tips for the fight:
Recognize the source of your temptation.
Acknowledge the enemy can only appeal to the desires you already have.
Project where the temptation will take you (long term).
Where do you face your most dangerous temptation?
Next Steps:
Add to my arsenal for the battle against temptation by choosing 1 or 2 relevant scriptures to memorize.
For general temptation: I Cor 10:13; James 4:7-8; Phil 2:13.
For boasting: Matt 6:1. Fighting lust: Matt 5:27-28.
Fighting anger: Matt 5:21-22.
Find others for your temptation!
Join the journey through the New Testament by reading 5 chapters/week.
Take a step deeper into community by participating in a home group for the Jan-Feb session.