Youversion Event How can I bring glory to God at my workplace? Attitude Character Work ethic Witness How can I bring glory to God at my home? Humility Love Mercy
What is God’s purpose for us at Cornerstone? How can we each grow in that purpose? Immerse Fuse Radiate How can we be more effective and intentional about depending on…
Youversion Event Following Jesus can be CONFUSING. Following Jesus can be HARD. (but the hard parts are not for nothing – they’re taking us somewhere) THE FATHER LOVES US…
Youversion Event 2 major spheres where the Holy Spirit is at work today: The Holy Spirit is actively working in THE UNBELIEVING WORLD. The Holy Spirit is patiently working in…
Youversion Event Program PDF Next Steps: SELF-REFLECTION: Where am I looking to find safety? Where am I most wanting to find belonging? GOD-CONVERSATION: Ask God to help me trust…
Youversion Event Program PDF Next Steps: Respond to Jesus’ invitation and put your faith in Him. Ask God to show you who you can share your faith with. Recommit to…