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Other Sermons:

Bible Text: 1 Peter 5:5-7 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: 1 Peter: Hopeful Suffering | I Peter 5:5-7 HUMILITY as it relates to leadership. HUMILITY as it relates to…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 5:1-4 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: 1 Peter: Hopeful Suffering | Dangers for Pastors: Working from obligation. Pursuit of money. Laziness Abuse of leadership  …
Bible Text: 1 Peter 5:1-4 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: 1 Peter: Hopeful Suffering | "elder”  =  One who is spiritually older/mature “shepherd/pastor”  =  to feed “bishop/overseer”  =  leading,…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: 1 Peter: Hopeful Suffering | What Not to Do What To Do When Suffering 1. Don't be Surprised 1.…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:8-11 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: 1 Peter: Hopeful Suffering | “Above all, love each other deeply.”  V8                 Show hospitality to each other…
Bible Text: Joshua 3:7-17, 4:1-9, 4:15-24, 1 Peter 2:4-6 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: CCC Sermons | What are some of the ways you've seen God provide for and…
Bible Text: Matthew 28:18-20 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Why are we Here? "We Exist to lead people to Jesus and fully follow Him together"   Fully - Obeying…
Bible Text: Matthew 28:18-20 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Why are we Here? GREAT COMMISSION QUIZ   1.        F 2.        F 3.        F 4.        F 5.        F 6.        F…
Bible Text: Matthew 28:18-20 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: Why are we Here? What are the reasons why I chose to follow Jesus?   How do we know Jesus…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:1-7 | Preacher: Nathan Herrlin | Series: 1 Peter: Hopeful Suffering By embracing Jesus' Attitude about suffering, I can win the battle against sin. What is…
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