Belong Sermon Series

Find out what it really means to be part of a church.


Youversion Event A prayer worth repeating That the Father may STRENGTHEN YOU WITH POWER. That Christ may DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS. That you may grasp HOW WIDE AND LONG AND…
Youversion Event How does our restored relationship with God change our relationships with people? Jesus’ work BRINGS US TOGETHER. Jesus brings peace BETWEEN JEWISH & GENTILE BELIEVERS.(or between religious &…
Youversion Event Next Steps: If you haven’t yet, receive the mercy of God. If Ephesians 2 is personally true of you, thank God for His mercy! Turn away from any…

Youversion Event   I WANT TO KNOW GOD BETTER… …to know the HOPE to which He has called me. …to know the RICHES of His glorious inheritance in the saints.…
Youversion Event Bulletin (PDF) Next steps with God: - Which of these questions do you need to ponder with God? Do I have the mark of the Holy Spirit that…
Youversion Event
Bulletin PDF My NEXT STEP with God this week: Am I certain of my identity in Christ? Am I a forgiven follower of Jesus? As a Christ follower, do I…

Thrive Series

Youversion Event A prayer worth repeating That the Father may STRENGTHEN YOU WITH POWER. That Christ may DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS. That you may grasp HOW WIDE AND LONG AND…
Youversion Event How does our restored relationship with God change our relationships with people? Jesus’ work BRINGS US TOGETHER. Jesus brings peace BETWEEN JEWISH & GENTILE BELIEVERS.(or between religious &…
Youversion Event Next Steps: If you haven’t yet, receive the mercy of God. If Ephesians 2 is personally true of you, thank God for His mercy! Turn away from any…

Youversion Event   I WANT TO KNOW GOD BETTER… …to know the HOPE to which He has called me. …to know the RICHES of His glorious inheritance in the saints.…
Youversion Event Bulletin (PDF) Next steps with God: - Which of these questions do you need to ponder with God? Do I have the mark of the Holy Spirit that…
Youversion Event
Bulletin PDF My NEXT STEP with God this week: Am I certain of my identity in Christ? Am I a forgiven follower of Jesus? As a Christ follower, do I…